One of the biggest questions I get today is about
Galvanic corrosion and can BUMAX help.
The answer is yes, but it is not the end all product. While the inherent properties of BUMAX
reduces galvanic corrosion, it doesn’t fully prevent it. BUMAX brand can be coated to provide maximum
protection while retaining all the properties of 316L but with the increased
strength. BUMAX Fasteners for Galvanic
Corrosion due exist. If you would like
more information email or look at
. Below is additional information on
what is Galvanic Corrosion.
The likelihood and severity
of galvanic corrosion depends on several factors like:
- Corrosion potential of metals in
the environment considered
- Relative area of the two metals
- Type of electrolyte
The corrosion potentials of
the stainless steelsare noble than the corrosion
potentials of aluminum, as can be seen in the galvanic series of metals in
seawater below.
This mean that there will
be no galvaniccorrosion on stainless steel when placed in
contact with aluminum while aluminum will corrodes.
Permissible couples to
avoid galvanic corrosion of aluminium when placed in contact with more noble
materials are limited to a potential difference of 0.10 V on the galvanic
Anodic current density and
hence corrosion rates can be reduced by increasing the anode-to-cathode surface
area ratio; if a small area of stainless steel is placed in contact with a big
area of aluminum the rate of aluminum galvanic corrosion is low due to the
effect of the relative areas.
It is possible to avoid stainless
steel aluminium galvanic corrosion isolating the two material by means
of an electrical insulating material, like rubber.
In the presence of crevices
stainless steels may exhibit less noble potentials due to oxygen depletion
within the crevice.
Therefore, coupling a
relatively large area with the small-area characteristic of a crevice may
result in rapid attack of the material within the crevice leading to stainless
steel corrosion.
Under some circumstances,
coupling stainless steel to a more active metal can shift the stainless steel
corrosion potential from a passive range to an active range. This shift results
in an increase in the corrosion rate of the stainless steel due to stainless
steel galvanic corrosion.

generated by the stainless steel aluminum galvanic corrosion couple.
The table below reports the
Corrosion potentials in flowing sea water at ambient temperature.
The unshaded symbols show
ranges exhibited by stainless steels in acidic water such as may exist in
crevices or in stagnant or low velocity or poorly aerated water where Stainless Steel become active, while the
shaded areas show the potentials of Stainless Steel when is in passive state.
This table is taken from: Atlas Steel Technical Note
No. 7 "Galvanic Corrosion"
Galvanic Corrosion can bs such a problem. Even for an excellent Stainless Steel Alloy such as Bumax Stainless - Seperating the Aluminium and Stainless is definately the best solution, an isolating gel such Tef Gel seems to work well.